Sunday, August 10, 2014

story about a time traveler.

When I was a kid, I was in an after-school math program that was located in this church. I arrived there after school at around 3:30, and was picked up by my mother at around 5. If I finished before 5, I would sit on this bench outside the church, and wait for my mom's white car to pull into the church's driveway. I remember I would always keep my backpack at my feet, so that people wouldn't steal it.

One time in particular, a man approached me. He was homeless, in every sense of the annotation. 

He told me he was a time traveler. He sat next to me and told me about his recent adventures through time. My stranger danger alert probably should have urged me to leave the bench and find an adult, but I stayed and indulged him. He continued his story, and told me about how bleak the future is. He also told me that the past was pretty bleak. Really, everything was bleak.

Despite not being a time traveler, the homeless man seemed pretty convinced that he was a time traveler. It's possible that he craved attention, and desperately lied to a kid to fulfill that urge. It's possible that he has mental health issues. It's also possible that he's a time traveler.

Either way, I'm able to tell people that I met a time traveler

Despite probably not meeting a time traveler, I seemed pretty convinced that he was a time traveler. It's possible that I crave attention, and desperately tell this story to fulfill that urge. It's possible that I have mental health issues. It's possible that I want to believe that he's a time traveler.

Maybe that's how it works. People want attention so they tell false stories to other people. Those people also want attention, so they tell other people about the time a person told them that false story. Then this just continues.

I think that if no one in the world wanted attention, the world would be a lot quieter.

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